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Never Stop Addin

Posted by NSA Millie - October 02, 2022 5:38 AM

My name NSA Millie .... indie artist coming out of 804 RVA....  i just came off probation after ah long journey nbs i been in and out the judicial system since the age of 13 never spending 1 full yr on the street since first ever being detained.....

so here it is after doing so many years in and out of prison and this being the longest time ive been free, also note, that my most two recent times incarcerated that was 2 seperate 5 yr sentences back to back.... 

so please understand me when i say i had time to build..... 

time to draw up million dollar dreams and do away with the federal nightmares my story go be one to be rememberd….

I truly took the hardest way…

long live the ones I wish was here….

Tap here to here my story in a song 🎵 🎶📈💯🔥🫡

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