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Posted by Freedom_King_7 #33Arch - February 23, 2017 3:55 PM

This site and this Brand should be getting big we all network and spread the word OG members will be tagged with something so when the sight becomes massive we will be known but it takes a lot of work and spreading the word to continue the rise to the top don't you folks some real folks from the grind to the top make this a billion dollar brand well come its gonna happen it will believe that my friends time and networking is what takes. When music is posted here we want to make sure that you feel that music we will build a diverse brand that welcomes anyone that puts out good music. Folks believe in yourselves take your time good product takes time to get sounds when released on sight make sure you put something nice together you worked hard for it boss up you want to get rich then lets make this sight grow cuz i wanna get rich i got a lot of great things i want to do for people you are the folks as well come on guys lets get this money we work as a unit as all believe we push it we make money we all get paid all members push it my friends I've had a life of hard time as I'm sure y'all have if you believe in change then lets do this i want to and i will make this happen my friends lets show them that this change is here to stay thats all of us working together be different they will come once they see us grow and we will lead the game.....

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