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The Best Rapper in Connecticut?

Posted by PierreTheKidd - September 26, 2017 12:54 PM

PierreTheKidd was born and raised in Manchester, Connecticut. He first started making music a couple months with his first song "Ice Cream Dream" being released on SoundCloud, YouTube, and other streaming websites. He made the song using his school computer inside of house during a break from school. His little sister who goes by the name of Mac G was featured on this song. The song was a hit inside of his high school and gained views quickly. When I called PierreTheKidd to talk to him about his growing local fan base he had this to say; "I am thankful to god for the success I have gotten so far... Some people might say that my music is trash or it isn't popular but I don't really care about what the haters say... I only started making music for my little brother and my little sister. I told one of my friends that I started rapping and word spread around the school and soon I became a local legend..." He also talked about how he would not sign a label because he just wants to focus on school and make music for fun. He doesn't want to be pressured by an overbearing label and have his grades fall as a result. When asked about how long he thinks his music career will last he said this; "I don't know how long I will be making music. I do it for fun and if I feel like it I will keep making music as long as I feel like it's fun... If the people in my school like then I'll keep going."

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