Congratulations on your son 🥳🥳🥳☺️☺️☺️ you’ve officially entered parenthood as your evolution continues ✊😎.. I’ve been holding off on writing you because I have too much to say and don’t wish to overwhelm u all at once 😬🤷♂️… I missed u as well as all the others while I was away but I prayed the entire time and I continued with my spiritual growth and development.. idk when exactly but I’m go
… Morenna need to tell u what’s next now that I have all the answers I needed.. one wouldn’t think that it would take such extremes in order to be able to move on with life completely but at the end of the day it was all worth it. I studied a lot case law while the feds had me in custody…. I read everything ranging from contractual agreements to geopolitical related matters… anyway with all my legal paperwork in hand I plan to secure a position within the entertainment industry in an official capacity whether it be music related or not so in due time I do wish to share in detail a bit more on the matter but for now just know that I truly appreciate & value you unconditionally so never forget that.. God bless , ttys ps: I’m glad to see that you got your twitch account reinstated 🙌🙌🙌😎 patience definitely is virtue Less