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Posted by MikaylaLori - August 23, 2021 11:18 PM
  • Capricorn: December 22 – January 20:  Put it to rest. Be still. You are NOT in control. Understand that you are a co-creator. Once an intention has been set, much like any flower or plant; there are other powers and forces at play (seen/unseen). You may check on your plant daily but deep down you know, although you can’t see, it’s blooming underneath. If you’re hyper focused this month not only will you psych yourself out but you will be working against yourself. Burn out is not necessary.

  • Aquarius: January 21 – February 18:  They do not feel your pain. What you’ve been through is for you and you alone to understand. There is no need for others to get an explanation on why you are the way you are. Just be and know that those who are meant to see you, will. Without a doubt they will Love you for you. Forgive those who misinterpret or overlook you based on their own projections. You’ve come too far to go back just to prove a point. Forward movement only.

  • Pisces: February 19 - March 20: You’re about to be put to the test. Will you pass or fail? The choice is yours. You have every tool and armor for any battle that may present itself. This is not a time to doubt yourself, skills, or knowledge. It’s time to showcase and dominate. Doubting yourself this month is fine if you feel like you need another learning experience. You have the ease and grace to pass these day-to-day tests. Affirmations will help. Your inner child is rooting for you and waiting on you to take them to the next level.

  • Aries: March 21 - April 20: Learn to let go fully. It’s one thing to say you are over something and it’s another thing to live it. How often are you lurking, stalking, checking, asking about or giving energy to people, places, things that you claim to “not care” about. Redefine what it means to “let go”. If you have trouble coming up with things to do, try: reading something that interests you for 10-15 minutes, dancing to your favorite song, clapping your hands for joy or until the feeling or thought passes. Just to name a few. Find a way to create new habits for yourself.

  • Taurus: April 21 – May 21: Cheer up. Better days aren’t coming, they’re here. It’s easy to feel down when your surroundings don’t match what you’re intuitively feeling. The key to get out of any funk is redirecting your thoughts and being mindful. Your mind is NOT your enemy. Learn to dismiss any thoughts that are trying to convince you otherwise. The minute you begin to entertain a thought that is less than your desires, you give it the space to manifest. You give it the space to manifest. Practice your thoughts.
  • Gemini: May 22 – June 21:  Be thankful in advance. If you know where you’re going and who you want to be, get into the habit/mindset of embodying it. It’s already in you, let it out. Why wait for what you were born to have. Being in that energy allows for opportunities to enter. Don’t wait until you’re there to get happy. Start now!

  • Cancer: June 22 – July 22:  You can trust others this month. Not a free for all but letting your guard down when you see fit will work to your advantage this month. There are more good-hearted people than you may assume. Allow them to show up and out in your life and for you. Past conflicts stemming from any hurtful situation should be used as fuel for exercising your discernment skills. Every person and situation has prepared you for this moment in time. Trusting others means you trust yourself to make decisions for your highest self. Trusting others means that you trust yourself. Trusting yourself means knowing that even the “wrong decision” is working for you and will work out for your highest self regardless.

  • Leo: July 23 – August 23:  Turn up! Put yourselves out there. You are the sun and in these seemingly dark times the world needs every ounce of light, freedom, and positivity you have to give. Others may want you to dim your light for the sake of their comfortability or lack thereof. You are being asked to do the exact opposite, shine bright and warm those who may be cold. You are not responsible for how others react to you as long as you’re operating from a space of Love and genuineness. Remember to align with your moral compass and treat others with kindness and compassion. If it’s hot outside people and animals alike have two options: seek shade or bask in it
 even if, as a human, you complain about the heat of the sun what does that change? NOT A SINGLE THING. Leo you are being asked to shine unapologetically. You’ll be amazed to see who and what moves out of your way accordingly.

  • Virgo: August 24 – September 22:  I hear they’ve been trying you, “testing your gangsta”... DON’T LET ‘EM! You’re multifaceted and you do not need to show any side of yourselves to those who need proof. Knowing yourself is always going to trigger others. If you’re focused on growth you need to watch and monitor your reactions. Especially when you know you’re being tested. If and when you’re ready for a new level, tests will appear and they aren’t grand gestures and events. A test can look like going into work after a night of reflecting on how well you’ve been doing with working on your emotions. Your usually happy coworker lashes out and snaps at you. Although you don’t know what contributed to their outburst, you instantly go into survival mode and snap right back. Before you know it, there’s a full blown argument being intervened. You’re both sent on a short break where your coworker explains they’ve had rough start to their morning and in turn they zoned out. Don’t fight fire with fire. You have nothing to prove. Learn to laugh in the face of opposition.

  • Libra: September 23 – October 23: Living in your HONEST truth will open the doors for new beginnings. Not the truth that sounds good to others, not the truth that makes you feel better about yourself. The truth that may be harsh, undesirable, cold, and ugly. Sometimes we need to revisit those less than desirable moments to move forward with passion and grace. Your ugliest truth will be desirable to those meant for you. Make sure you’re truly accepting those parts of self. Shoving them to the back or burying them far in your brain just means you’ll encounter them later. You don’t have to broadcast your truth to the world but understanding the lessons that played roles into the making of who you are will take you to where you need to be.

  • Scorpio: October 24 – November 22: Watch where you step. There’s no need to step into uncharted territory when you have an end goal. Steer clear of temptations and distractions. It’s ok to say no. You don’t need to be on every scene or in every conversation. Retreat and try to work ONLY on things in alignment with your goals. “Fun” and other people’s pure and seemingly good intentions can cost you in the long run. If you don't have to go to that party, which you don't, we are in a "pandemic"... talk about the perfect excuse!?

  • Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21:  RELAX. BE PATIENT. You know your strengths, you know your weaknesses. Your strengths have not gone unnoticed and soon you will see that your light + strength will bring in the partnerships and alliances you seek. If you are feeling that you have been suffering in silence, you need to rest assured that you’ve been heard. Focusing on the low vibrational emotions are going to bring in temptations and avoidable tests from the universe. Every thing is recorded, heard, and will produce outcomes that you may already be above.
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