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Posted by Ptrice2Real - July 11, 2021 11:43 PM

Have you ever had the chance to meet you?

At first glance, this may seem like a wild question, yet it is essential for every individual to do. Sometimes it can be hard to see your true reflection in the mirror and it’s likely because every person is their own worst critic, but what if even your own personal perception is skewed?


There are three layers in every being and to keep things simple, let’s describe it as the mind, body, and soul. Though each part of you has distinct functions sometimes the mind and body receive more focus than the soul. What do I mean by this? Well, there are plenty of self help books, professionals to talk with, and even belief systems to guide the mind and body. Sure, these great resources can soothe the soul too, however the approach is often from the outside to the inside.

What if we reversed the steps and greeted ourselves from the inside out? Instead of trying to slowly peel away unwanted baggage or even pain, a fresh start can be found by sparking the imagination. Without giving current life circumstances a pedestal, use your heart to ask what would truly bring joy to your soul? Remember there is no wrong answer and be encouraged to have patience while discovering these parts of yourself, after all it will be really nice to meet you!

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