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Trapped Souls

Posted by Kiyomichiyeko - October 27, 2021 9:19 AM


It is easy to get trapped into a society filled with lust, hate and decietfulness. It is almost as if you are trying to rectify everything you've done in the past, constantly searching for correction. Some may even be so influenced to the point where there is no conscious on nwhat it is to be wrong. With so much wrong going on in the world, who could really adjust to the right of the world. It is almost as if evil wins until you realize the consequences for being so. 

What good is a concious if it is controlled or reframed from being? Is it easier to be who you are without the strains of heirarchies telling you that you are not "just" enough. No one seems to really point a finger on what the uncontrolled does only the ones that are under the influence of control. The controlled mindsets of what is wrong and what is considered right from the eyes of a controller and not of the controlled. 

To be a trapped soul could also mean you are trapped into a belief system or even a mentality that manages how you go about things. Why not be trapped ninto your own mind and in your own power. Stand firm in youn no matter what forces comes your way. To be physically trapped is almost similar to imprisonment but to be spiritually trapped makes the inability to get away.  Free your mind and your spirit from bondage and loose the strings of puppeteering.

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