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Posted by Kiyomichiyeko - November 05, 2021 5:41 AM


When they said that life would be a challenge, it wasnt really clear on how many challenges would be faced. At a young age you dont really pay much attention to the challenges unnless there was no choice but to grow up fast. Finding yourself dealing with issues that you didnt know that you were even ready for. No child wants to suffer hunger, sickness and misfortune, but these are the challenges that some may deal with. It isnt fair for the elderly to shop by their lonesome with the sufferings of hip pains and many disabilities, but this challenging experience has no way to not be challenge. Most of the time you just have to do what you have to do.

Just because things are challenging doesn't mean that you are being forced to win, it just means that you may need to excersise your strengths and capabilities. If you dont push yourself, how far could you really know that you can go? There are too many situations and people that can persuade you to stop competeing for yourself. There must be a realization that the only prize is you and that is exactly what it is you are fighting for.  You must keep it moving whether you feel defeated, the race is not over yet. Challenges are endless so what would make you think that the fight would ever end. Keep the momentum going as the Marathon Continues.

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