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Posted by Kiyomichiyeko - November 09, 2021 4:22 AM

                               Social media has become a platform for people to have the ability to influence. There are so many people who have the passion to display who they are and what their talents display. It is a place for showcase and a way to expose yourself to new horizons. When you scroll through your news feeds everyday, you see so many entreprenurs and influencers fighting everyday for their spot to be shined on. The desire to be seen and heard and to be liked gives much satisfaction in the digital era. There is a certain feeling one gets to learn that they have created a following. One thing is for sure, Jesus never went digital nor had many followers but he was very influential.

What if the digital era didnt exist, how would you be able to influence and what would be your target audience? It is not very easy to get someone on board all the time, unless you have those who are willing to follow. Most parents taught their youth to not be followers, to be leaders and lead for the good of humanity. To follow someone is not always a bad thing as long as you can learn and grow from it and not become someone who just follows to be there or be seen. To know more requires a teacher and a student in which they both still share ideas.It's  in the student's motive to follow what the teacher is saying even though most times a teacher can learn from the student. 

Making sure your influence is a influential enough to make you a better you. Not someone who you think you are, just know you are and that is what creates an influential attitude. There is seperation in knowing something different and being something different. Which is why Jesus was so influential with limited following. Although his  followers appeared limited many saw him and  many were influence by his teachings even generations after. So how many followers does Jesus really have?

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