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Posted by Kiyomichiyeko - October 02, 2021 6:37 PM

What is it that the world really wants? Peace on earth seems like too much to ask for in an unpeaceful world. We beg for it so much, but yet cannot seem to bring peace to self or even peace to others. We often want truth and search for it so much to the point that truth begans to look more like confusion. Not able to accept the truth right before ones eyes but yet asked for it to be revealed. There are also the joys of having riches, in which what would one do with money with no limits? Is there a care for self control or even empathy for one another? Then there is power, and in power there is mostly territorial destruction. So  many desire strength and power. There is not much joy in weakness and the battle would always be in who is stronger. If everything was granted to you, would it still bring wellness and wellbeing? The power must really be in self control because if everything was granted to you right before your eyes, how then would you go about it? Would it bring everything you wanted in the outcome of self or even for those around you. If everyone was granted all of their own wishes, there would still be a battle of who is more wishful. I guess you can call it wishful thinking.

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