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Posted by Kiyomichiyeko - September 18, 2021 8:47 AM


                                                                                                                      To be Coordinate is almost as the same as being cordial and its almost as if things are suppose to even out. Things are suppose to be the way the are and just how they are and no one can really map it out to their upmost assumptions. It is hard to pinpoint without critical thinking and even with critical thinking, it takes action to perform the logistics of it all. You may seem to know exactly where your going, only to see that you went no where.  This is not negative thinking this is uncoordinate thinking. Everything is really lined up for you even when you think you are changing the dynamics of it all. Yes you can change the course or the patterns but realisticly the destination is still where it is. 

                                                                                                                     Every pirate needs a ship that can sail to the exact coordinates or else they would be considered lost at sea. The moral of the story for every sailed ship is that it sailed its course. The pirate begins to understand that there is more of the sea that he didnt know. The waters are strong and he still aboards ship with a purpose and hunger for what is out there. Was the passion admired from the pirate or was the pirate uncoordinate with the desire to hold captive just to captivate his own desire?  The story continues through the coordinate realms of life even when there is not much we can do but sail the ship we boarded on.   

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