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Posted by Kiyomichiyeko - September 20, 2021 10:05 AM

Business never played fair for the simple fact that business is just business. It is said that you must leave your feelings at the door 🚪 before you step foot in the work atmosphere. Looking at it in that perspective gives me the sense that business is cruel but in demand. One of the most on demand topics in almost every life time because everything is business. 

Anything with your name and information attached is considered apart of business. Once you have documentation and partnership involvement, so will be business involvement. To gain business is to gain alot of collateral. Something that can show what you have to offer. Collateral is nothing like a talent or skill it is just a mere explanation of what your skill was able to provide for you. 

If what you have  to show or offer can be useable or valuable to whomever it is that your doing business with, you then have gained a partnership and also a debt is paid within the union. Which goes into question if collaterals are really worth it to show or become into union with if it is already yours to own?  It all depends on if what you are doing would be a move that can put you more into position or leave you back at square one.  Just know business never plays fair with a collateral.

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