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Cloned Worlds

Posted by Kiyomichiyeko - October 25, 2021 4:53 AM
clone world

Outer Space is one of the most entriguing wonders of life that never seems to lose amazement in the eyes of austronomists. There is much desire in learning the basis of Big Bang theories and if aliens may really exist. This urge to learn about what the galaxy has to offer is only in the confusion in not understanding the realitis here on Earth. Which all balls down to this qustion, " Is Earth Not a Planet and are we not Aliens of our Own" 

The term 'Alien' may sound strange but in all actuality it is just a term to describe someone who is not of the same place or jurisdicition. If I am not of this country or of this planet, then I am therefore then considered an alien in society. Its almost as similar to the bully picking out the indifferences of someone in a class in which  who is to really say they belong or not?  Just because someone is not of this world doesnt mean that cannot partake. Then there is caution with the unfamiliar and in that is what makes entry into someone's world very hard to intake,. What are the strengths and what are the weaknessess and no one really has the drive to try and find all of that out. Which makes humans simple and seated into their own beilief systems, but gives scientists and astronomers more insight into what life and the outer world really is.

The one strong belief that still stands is that there is life on this planet, and this planet desires to know what else is out there. So much to the point that it is willing to clone the idea of planetary births. What would a planetary birth look like and what would it incorporate? What would happen if planets could be cloned?  Would it create another life system or would it create another land of "Super Species"  in a cloned world ?

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