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¡ lucid dreaming !

Posted by Carey Carter - September 10, 2021 8:01 PM

can you lucid dream?

i was a young child when i first discovered i could.

i had a recurring dream that an older male in a fake doctors suit would follow me and try to inject me with an unknown substance. every night i would have this same dream, over and over again, and it terrified me. one night i realised i was awake in these dreams. it was then that i would use my thoughts to stop him from stabbing me with the syringe, and from there i would ascend myself away from my surroundings. following that, i would change my dream completely - manufacturing my environment, scenario and eventually bringing others in. often these would be happier surroundings.

sometimes, whenever i had a difficult decision to make, i would concentrate and almost put myself in a dream state right before i fell asleep, to allow myself to dream of real life scenarios. i was able to play out different paths i could take to see what they would result in. from there, i would apply those actions in real life and watch the path unfold, just as they did in my dream.

this taught me that life is really just a game. you can choose to play, or you can take a backseat ride to someone else’s vision unfolding before your eyes. even if your current scenario is ugly or terrifying, you are always capable of turning it into something beautiful. the key is you; you are the vehicle to your destination, and being awake in knowing that we are all just living in a juxtaposed dream state, with limitless potential.


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