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Why does Money say "IN GOD WE TRUST"?

Posted by Ptrice2Real - September 06, 2021 6:05 PM

When it comes to money there are plenty of cliché statements we could say, but have you ever asked yourself why does American currency say In God We Trust? Since we cannot go back and ask those who implemented this phrase specifically why, there are some surprising facts about all of the U.S. Presidents that appear on our coins and cash. Research does not show that all who appear on money were Christian as some media outlets argue, however, it is true that all had their own journey with belief systems and some even battled with Faith.  Below you will find some interesting highlights about the Presidents that appear on our modern day currency.

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Please note: The highlights listed below are a snapshot of each President and though the word Christian will be used, their specific denomination will not be given to decrease discrepancies regarding actual doctrine of religious belief systems.

Abraham Lincoln who is most known for signing the Emancipation Proclamation which ended slavery, chose to keep his beliefs private for the majority of his life. A definite answer to his beliefs was never given, yet many tried to learn this information about him throughout his life. He decided to end slavery because he believed it was morally wrong. 

Thomas Jefferson is another President whose faith has been up for discussion among scholars, but his focus on the topic seems that he wanted religious freedom for all. 

Franklin D. Roosevelt was a self proclaimed Christian.

George Washington kept his beliefs private to an extent, but did openly state that he was a Christian.

John F. Kennedy was a self proclaimed Christian.

Alexander Hamilton's beliefs are likely the most controversial as it has been argued that he had a Jewish upbringing but did not openly state his beliefs as President.

Andrew Jackson was not a self proclaimed Christian, yet it has been mentioned that his Faith did not develop until he was married.

Ulysses S. Grant was a self proclaimed Christian.

Benjamin Franklin has been described as a man whose life was led by Good Deeds.

As we can see now although all of the Presidents that appear on money did not belong to one specific religion, it is a fact they they all were challenged in their position at some point to question their Faith. Keeping this in mind, finding common ground is possible with those who have diverse belief systems. Sometimes backgrounds or even personal preference can keep people apart but ultimately these obstacles may be overcome when people give every one freedom to simply be themselves. 

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