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Ran Blacc looks to recreate his Alter Ego Buzz

Posted by devon brabham - August 16, 2022 8:27 PM

Alter Egos combines a creative outlook by Ran Blacc of the most popular top 100 hits of the urban music culture. The Las Vegas superstar Ran Blacc drifts away from the lyrical content of the top 100 songs, by painting his own portrait of his meaning from his vision. Ran Blacc’s music popularity is shown as he matures on Alter Egos, as he confidently serenades over the productions provided by various producers featured on Alter Egos. No stranger to industry similarities, Ran Blacc continues to gather accolades like priceless collectables. Using his Kentucky familial heritage influence Ran Blacc illustrates his versatility on Alter Egos by switching up lyrical patterns amongst the popular ballads. Alter Egos plays like a double album only reminiscent of the early 90’s of hip hop and R&B. Alter Egos gives a unique take from the lens of Ran Blacc’s perspective. Releasing on September 1st, 2022, Alter Egos next offering unites the popular following who have enjoyed the previous Ran Blacc’s creative releases. We all have an Alter Ego, on September 1st, 2022 come take part in another masterpiece by Ran Blacc.

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