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​The face of the game against the enemy

Posted by babe ruth - April 25, 2017 12:29 AM

The face of the game against the enemy nationals, Hudson to shock the history of Pan opened a good start Chris Young Jersey. On the other hand, the Warriors made a 2-0 lead by Simmons' first-run home run and a second-order run at the end of the first game. In the second half of the second game, Johnson and Freeman's banding hits to expand the score to 4: 0. In the fourth half of the second and have 1 point later Ted Williams Jersey, the Warriors will Gonzalez hit the exit, leaving the opponent 4 Board lost 5 points bad start. The national side of the Hudson is not much way, only in the first half of the first half to get 1 point. Fifth Bureau of the second half, Hudson himself is not familiar with the hit area also contributed, hit a spring home run for their own expansion of the leading edge. Third in the second half, they hit three hits, unfortunately, Berkman's double play once again let them lose the hope of scoring. The second half of the second inning, since the rush to start their most violent attack, in Modran hit hits after the base, the first base was the two out of the situation Fred Lynn Jersey, Ginsler first knock hit hits, Then Andrews' banding hit the score to 2-0. In the Berkman was sent to form a full base, before the performance of the general Bell Cui to come forward and out of a barrier base of the three RBI second base run Christian Vazquez Jersey, the score expanded to 5: 0, also defeated Dublot. In Nansen cast a game without losing points after the performance of the red socks of the main bullpen on the original Haoxi, Tianze pure one and Miller has been exhausted, due to away from home, they are not easy to use their Terminator Hanhan Han. In the case of two out of the way, the cavalry rely on Andrews's hitter to capture a base, then the red socks rescue pitcher Mortensen cast a storm, but also let Andrews ran second base. After he deliberately sent out of Berkman, Bell Cui hit a goodbye hits, to help the team to 4: 3 score swept the red socks.

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