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​The game penguin team general Yevgaini Malkin

Posted by brooks orpik - April 27, 2017 12:27 AM

The game, penguin team general Yevgaini Malkin missed Jonas Siegenthaler Jersey, the absolute responsibility of the attack completely to the body of Crosby. Opening only 52 seconds, the brown bear two center David Craig in the distance shot hit the post, then the brown bear also mastered the absolute initiative of the game, but the first score is the penguin team. The game to the first 7 minutes and 37 seconds Curtis Glencross Jersey, the team of Crosby Connaught Xie Rui ball burst into brown bear blue line Zachary Sanford Jersey, in the face of more than defensive player he will be the ball to follow the other side of the follow-up Justin Schultz, The latter cross in front of the brown bear guard Brandon Carlo will ball into his own door, 1: 0 penguin lucky to get ahead. The first 11 minutes and 26 seconds, the penguin and then the next city, they use the opportunity to tear less open the anti-Bruce team defensive, Cross than the delicate cross to find the weak side was completely empty Phil Kassel, he caught The door will be the card card Rasker landed less than the opportunity to open the door directly from the door, 2: 0. The back of the Bruins began to fight back, especially in the second half of their continuous access to more opportunities to play, the striker in front of Murray made a lot of opportunities Aaron Volpatti Jersey, but Murray performance brave, the brown bears one by one to resolve. Connor Carrick, Defender, Toronto Maple Leaf: Chicago fans are really great, even if they hate the visiting team is also in place. I always think of the previous still OHL play, they hate me look like. It was great, that year I won the series on behalf of Plymouth, when the fans out of the rush we shouted, and we also shouted back, it is great. They should be so shouting, should be so to hate the visiting team players. This is the ice hockey.

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