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Look at the sky and say "Hey Big Draco!"

Instead of walking through Hollywood on your favorite stars block of fame, Soulja Boy is encouraging fans to get out your telescope and look up. Daylight savings time has brought some unwanted seasona... Read More
1 Soulja Boy Big Draco Constellations Stars Science

Artillery South presents Trouble2Times

For Immediate Release November 15, 2021 Trouble2Times is a raw & gritty rapper and North Dallas thoroughbred grinding to ensure that Texas artists are heard across the world. “Make It Here” is his new single dropping on November 15, 2021 across all streaming platforms and Premiering on Revolt’s Untapped Segment!. This full on Texas track features NoFlaw Peach (@noflawpeach_) from North Da... Read More


Revelation 2:1-29  “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: ‘The words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands. “‘I know your works, ... Read More


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                               Social media has become a platform for people to have the ability to influence. There are so many people who have the passion to display who they are an... Read More


When they said that life would be a challenge, it wasnt really clear on how many challenges would be faced. At a young age you dont really pay much attention to the challenges unnless there was no c... Read More

Trapped Souls

It is easy to get trapped into a society filled with lust, hate and decietfulness. It is almost as if you are trying to rectify everything you've done in the past, constantly searching for correc... Read More

SplashChristo Releases New eBook Titled, ''Christo Clear Combative Concepts''

SplashChristo Releases New eBook Titled, ''Christo Clear Combative Concepts'' Read More

Cloned Worlds

Outer Space is one of the most entriguing wonders of life that never seems to lose amazement in the eyes of austronomists. There is much desire in learning the basis of Big Bang theories and if alien... Read More

Soulja Boy ft. G$ Lil Ronnie - Bussin

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